Presentation at SIGCHI Paris: From Tabletops to In-Motion Interaction

Prof. Morten Fjeld presents at SIGCHI Paris:

From Tabletops to In-Motion Interaction

When: Thursday October 14th, 10am
Where: (hybrid) Bat 660, amphi


The increasing abundance of data creates new opportunities for communities of interest and communities of practice. We believe that interactive tabletops will allow humans to explore data in familiar spaces such as living rooms, cafés, and public places. As part of our vision, we suggest switching from fixed tabletops to multi-device solutions. We show how multi-device solutions in the future could encourage collaboration and engage users in socially relevant data-oriented analysis . Also related to the the topic of multi-device interaction, this talk will show examples of cross-device application sharing and distributed brainstorming groupware. Addressing more recent developments, going beyond tangibles and tabletops, we will also talk about potentials for in-motion interaction.

Mehmet Aydın Baytaş