PhD Thesis Defence: t2i Chalmers PhD student Yuchong Zhang Having His Thesis Defence Yuchong ZhangMay 30, 2023
t2i Internal Guest Lecture: PhD Student Yuchong Zhang Visits MediaFutures in Bergen Yuchong ZhangOctober 5, 2022
t2i Researchers and Alumni Present: ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Hybrid Conference (ACM ISS 2021) in Łódź, Poland Mehmet Aydın BaytaşOctober 20, 2021
Presentation at SIGCHI Paris: From Tabletops to In-Motion Interaction Mehmet Aydın BaytaşOctober 20, 2021
Published: Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Human-Drone Interaction (iHDI 2020) Mehmet Aydın BaytaşJuly 1, 2020
Open Positions: WASP-HS PhD Scholarships at Chalmers University of Technology Mehmet Aydın BaytaşNovember 16, 2019